Our Story
Continuing the Work of
The Past Generation
Mrs. Underwood, the wife of H. G. Underwood (founder of Yonsei University), records in 1909 of an ambitious evangelistic initiative to reach one million souls by the end of the year. The western missionaries and the Korean Christians collaborated to give out tracts and to evangelize all of Korea by the end of the year; however, they fell utterly short of their goal. Yet what Mrs. Underwood wrote after the campaign is inspiring. Although the campaign was an utter failure, she wrote that another generation would reap the prayers and labors of their initiative. She had faith that what they had sown and labored would be reaped by another generation. By faith, we believe that this generation of young people will reap the great harvest in North Korea.
2027 commemorates 120th year since the Pyongyang Revival of 1907 during which time Pyongyang was known as the “Jerusalem of the East.” The early Christian workers, and many that followed, prayed that God would create a united church in Korea who would reach out her arms to China, Japan, Russia, and then reach out to the world with God’s love. To that end, let’s not grow weary but continue to pray and to labor for the good of the people of Korea, both the North and the South.