Pray for North Korea

The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.

- From the Gospel of Luke -


Pray for the people of North Korea

Come to me all you who labor and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. (Matt 11:28)
Jesus invites the people of North Korea into His rest. At the most fundamental understanding, North Koreans are just like us: they want to be loved, cared for and accepted by family, friends, and colleagues. Parents worry about their children’s health, education, and overall wellbeing. Children are the same the world over in naughtiness, cute moments, and growing through puberty. Workers in any sector are concerned about pay, safety, and have complaints about their bosses and how things are done even as they strive for promotion. People desire close friendships and relationships; they know what it is to be lonely, depressed, and experience despair. Not because they live in the DPRK but because it is a part of the human experience.

Pray for Parents, Children & Youth, Professionals. Farmers, The Elderly, Disabled, & Marginalized, Prisoners, etc.

Pray for Great Harvest 2027

Jesus taught in Luke 14:28-30 that one must count the cost in preparation to build. The invitation here is to examine one’s heart in light of the call. The result of each person doing their own groundwork results in humble approaches to preparing for groundbreaking fieldwork together in harmony and the unity and love Jesus said would point the world to him and the Love of the Father (John 17:23).

Pray that His Body will prepare diligently for what is next -- seeking the Lord’s will together while living out & into our God-given roles and purposes humbly and faithfully in loving response to His call to North Korea and Great Harvest 2027.

Pray for the global churches and organizations, fellows (the new generation of leaders), facilitators, financial supporters, professional consultants, volunteers and the steering committee (partnering organizations leaders).

United Prayer

Join Us as we pray together on-line on the first Sunday of the month.